
RRec Studio is a leading provider of professional aerial cinematography services for the film, commercial and television industry.

Our experienced team of pilots, camera operators, and aerial cinematographers specialise in capturing breathtaking aerial shots that bring your productions to life.

With state-of-the-art drone technology and a commitment to safety and excellence, RRec Studio is your partner for capturing aerial footage that is both stunning and technically precise.

Whether you’re looking to capture the breathtaking beauty of a natural landscape or the excitement of an action sequence, RRec Studio is here to bring your vision to the sky.

Contact us today to see how we can help bring your aerial cinematography dreams to life.

Skills Can Be Acquired Through Time, But Not Talent

Raphael, Creative Director

Follow Ralph on Instagram

Raphael is a highly skilled and experienced pilot and aerial cinematographer. With years of experience in the aviation industry, including a background serving with Emirates Airlines, Raphael brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creative vision to his work as a drone operator.

In addition to his extensive flying experience, Raphael is also a talented cinematographer with a keen eye for capturing breathtaking aerial shots. He combines his passion for aviation with his love of storytelling, using his skills and technology to bring his clients’ visions to life. Whether it’s capturing stunning landscapes, dynamic action sequences, or anything in between, Raphael is the ultimate aerial filming professional.

What sets Raphael apart from others in his field is his commitment to safety, precision, and quality. He operates with the highest levels of professionalism, ensuring that each and every project is executed with the utmost care and attention to detail. Whether working with a large film production or a small-scale project, Raphael is dedicated to delivering results that exceed expectations.

In short, Raphael is the best choice for any aerial filming project. With his experience, skills, and passion for his work, he brings a level of quality and professionalism that is unmatched in the industry. So if you’re looking for stunning aerial shots that bring your projects to life, look no further than Raphael. Follow him on Instagram today to learn more.

Our Customers
Since 2014